Sunday, August 3, 2014

Bargain Kindle Book: At Their Own Game by Frank Zafiro

Jake Stankovic has been flying below the radar for years, dealing safely in stolen property crime with his two-man crew. But times are tough, so he decides to step up to the big money with a drug deal. Everything that can go wrong, does. The deal goes bad, a vengeful detective sets his sights on Jake, one of his crew might be a turncoat, and a woman from a long past affair suddenly reappears. All of this would be complicated enough on its own, but for Jake, it's even worse.

The woman is the detective's ex-wife.

And Jake Stankovic used to be a cop.

Now Jake must face new problems and old vendettas in an all-in proposition with lives on the line. He has to find a way to get his money back, keep the girl, and beat everyone involved...At Their Own Game.

File Size: 1780 KB
Print Length: 246 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Frank Scalise (January 31, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English


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