Monday, November 24, 2014

Book Spotlight: The Book of Zev by Marilyn Horowitz

Title: The Book of Zev
Author: Marilyn Horowitz
Publisher: Koehler Publishing
Genre:  Thriller
Format: Paperback
Pre-order The Book of Zev to be released December 1, 2014 at Amazon paperback
Pre-order The Book of Zev to be released December 1, 2014 at Barnes & Noble

The Book of Zev is a political thriller that tells the story of two gentle people who change the course of history. Zev Bronfman, a strapping 32-year old-virgin, angry atheist, refugee from a religious Jewish life, and former engineer for the U.S. Patent Office in Alexandria, Virginia, drives a cab and sleeps around in New York City. After a bitter divorce, Sarah Hirshbaum, a beautiful, redheaded, depressed, God-hating kosher chef, seesaws between yoga and too much red wine. Independently, the two consult the same psychic who inadvertently sends Sarah Zev’s session tape. When Sarah contacts Zev to pick up the recording, a series of events forces them to connect with a powerful terrorist in order to thwart his plans to destroy the UN and Israel.

Click here to read an Excerpt of The Book of Zev

Marilyn Horowitz is a Manhattan based writing teacher and award winning professor at New York University, author, and producer, as well as a judge for the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship Program for film and media. Marilyn has also lectured and served on panels at many groups and conferences including: Writers Guild of America East, Philadelphia Writer’s Conference, Great American Pitchfest, Screenwriting Expo and Author101. She is featured in Now Write! Screenwriting anthology published by Tarcher/Penguin edited by Sherry Ellis. She has written several feature-length screenplays. Her production credits include the feature films And Then Came Love (2007), starring Vanessa Williams and distributed by Warner Bros., Caleb’s Door (2009), distributed by Around the Scenes, Found in Time (2011), Nocturnal Agony (2011), and The One (2011).

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Tweet with Marilyn @marilynhorowitz
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